We have a high quality in home breeding program, Specializing in a select few, top quality, small Standard and "Imperial" Shih Tzu's with perfect little baby doll faces compact bodies and rare colors. All my babies come from top of the line parents!
Small Shih Tzu kennel located in the Netherlands. We enjoy showing our dogs and we breed the occasional litter. Excellent bloodlines.
We are a small kennel located in the western part of the Netherlands and have quite a international stud of Shih Tzu where we do show with and do also breedings.
We are small kennel very close to the capitol Praque in Czech republic. We breed ans show our dogs with love and solicitude.
Elevages de shih tzu 24 champions de France, site dedie aux shih tzu, mon travail d'eleveur, le toilettage.
Solaris Avis, this small kennel,in south Poland. We enjoy showing our dogs and we breed the occasional litter. I invite on my page, there all about my Shih.
Show and pet quality shih-tzu from Czech Republic - see our website and dogs.
A small kennel from Zagreb, Croatia. Show dogs out of known bloodlines, particolored and solids. Site with full pedigrees and informations.
Quality, not quantity! We own Shih-Tzu since 1980. You can find sibblings of our Shih-Tzu on pedigrees all over the world. We don't sell puppy's to puppymills. Our puppy's won't leave their mother before they are 12 weeks old. We want to enjoy our litters.
PugWir haben wunderschöne Shih Tzu Wuschel mit viel Fell am Körper und Flausen im Kopf. In verschiedenen Farben/Zeichnungen die Welpen sind bei Abgabe mehrfach entwurmt, Tierärztlich untersucht, 5-Fach geimpft und erhalten eine Ahnentafel des IGH.
Unsere Welpen wachsen in der Familie auf und sind daher, sehr Lieb, Sozial und Kinderfreundlich, sind an andere Hunde und Katzen gewöhnt. Besichtigung ist nach Absprache jederzeit möglich. Sie haben auch die Auswahlmöglichkeit, wenn wir mehrere Welpen haben. Wir sind eine vom Amtstierarzt kontrollierte und genehmigte Zuchtstätte.
Haben Sie Fragen zu unserer bezaubernden Rasselbande können Sie gern anrufen, Bilder der kleinen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage. (Großraum Gießen 35390)
Small home based Shih Tzu Kennel from Poland. We actively show our dogs at Dog Shows. Occasionally we have puppies for sale.
We shall tell you about our sections and our dog. In section вывешаны results of our dogs on exhibition, information on National club shih-tzu to Russia and change on our put. You get acquainted with Champion of our club, but in the same way with future Champion our hope.
In section of the exhibition you may get acquainted with result монопородных exhibitions shih-tzu, timetable of the exhibitions of the miscellaneous rank on Russia and nearest зарубежья (including exhibitions on sort).
Doll Face Shihtzu Pups. All Our Babys Are Bred For Top Health And Temperament, 21 + Years Experience, Breeders Of Show and Pet Quality, AKC and international Registered DNA Tested, 2 sets of shots, Microchip and Registration Paid for life.
Puppy Kit includes: 8 lb bag of food, Kennel, Bowls, Treats, Toys, Blanket, Comb, Brush, Bows, Training DVD, Peewee Pads, and other goodies like paul mitchell pet, PetHead, Brisk&Bright Products.
Top kennel of Shih-tzu, Chihuahua, Russkiy Toy from Russia, Moscow.
Chihuahua Russian ToyShih-Tzu, owner Perminova Oxana, Kursk region, Russia. Bases grooming, video reportings.
All.to riconosciuto E.N.C.I.- F.C.I. per la selezione del cane di razza Maltese, Shih tzu e Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Maltese Cavalier King Charles SpanielHome of World Winners!
A small but successful breeding for show and pleasure since 1983.Combine the body, the strength and the attitude! Then add a wonderful temperament and movement- and you have a Popeye's shih-tzu!
Cria y venta de cachorros bichón maltes, líneas americanas. Hacemos una cria familiar y responsable, ofrecemos fotos y vídeos de malteses en nuestra web.
Maltese Yorkshire TerrierLes chiens du Rivage des Nacres doivent leur santé, leur beauté et leur caractère hors pair aux meilleures lignées actuelles de shih tzu dont ils sont issus . .
Buddhist principle of ahinsa is not harming anyone any living creature. OPTO AHINSA means "choose non-violence". This principle, we are educating our dogs. Welcome to our website and our small, home kennel in Poland.
Tanya's Fairyland is a small, quallity breeding Chow Chow & Shih-Tzu kennel, registered with the FCI.
Chow ChowShih Tzu Of Mystic Wonderland, Onze shihtzu's showen in België en Europa. De foto's van onze shihtzu's, puppies en andere informatie is beschikbaar op onze site.
Welcome to website ofkennelVELES RAVELIN – pug, shih tzu, rottweiler. On pages of our site you can get acquainted with our pets, look at their photo, a pedigrees, puppies.
Добро пожаловать на сайт питомника “VELES RAVELIN” – мопс, ши-тцу, ротвейлер. На страницах нашего сайта Вы можете познакомиться с нашими питомцами, посмотреть их фото, родословную, щенков.
Petit par sa taille mais grand par son coeur, le Shih Tzu saura vous combler !!!!
Eleveur sélectionneur. Chiots LOF exclusivement. Toutes les Garanties sanitaires et légales (élevage déclaré et testé ADN).
Etre eleveur: une passion certes ... mais avant tout un metier qui ne s'improvise pas!!!!
Abbiamo un piccolissimo allevamento amatoriale a Roma Nord, maggiormente di Shish Tzu Imperiale, di piccolissima taglia, peso fino a 5 kg. I nostri piccoli vivono in casa con noi.
Criadores de Shih Tzu en España, machos disponibles para montas y ocasionalmente cachorros.
The Passernomen affix was established in 2008 and it’s belongs to Mrs. Joanna Marachowska and Mr. Tomasz Marachowski.
We have in our Kennel Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Shih-Tzus. Our first introduction to the Staffordshire Bull Terrier was in 2007 when we bought our first SBT – Rudy Rio and year later we’ve started attending dog shows. To be honest we were absolutely impressed with this breed previously, but it took longer time to buy our first stafford.
Our Shih-Tzu we have from 2005, but we are connected with this breed longer time as we have Shih-Tzu’s breeders in our family. All of that was an experience which obviously changed to addiction to have dogs in our life and treat them like a real family members.
We are located just outside of Exeter in Devon, where we have lovely place to live with our dogs and opportunity to spend nice time during walks and training with them.
We have puppies of breed: Zwergschnauzer Black, Pepper salt and white, Deutscher schaferhund, Rottweiler, Shih tzu. Our dogs have nice titles at dog-show. We candeliver our puppy in any place if you need it.
Miniature Schnauzer German Shepherd Dog RottweilerWe are a "v.d. Asters Pride" Kennel situated in Netherland. Our dogs are our passion and we are proud of them all. All of our dogs have wonderful, loving and playful temperaments and enjoy free roam of our home and garden, they spend time with us as a family every day.
Italian Shih-Tzu breeder with famous bloodlines of the highest pedigree. Show and pet quality puppies available.
Kennel Shih-Tzu and Pug "Charm Beside", owner: Polishuk Oksana (Vinnitsa, Ukraine).
PugSmall home based FCI Shih Tzu kennel. We enjoy showing our dogs and sometimes have nice puppies available. Welcome!
I have a small Shih-tzu kennel in Hungary.My kennel -Alsó-Lajosfalvy I have been since 1993, and my kennel is registred on FCI 1053/2010. My ain at going to very healthy and content puppies born my kennel, and very nice owners, who going to see, which really Shih - Tzu !!!
Anywhere 100% litter, but stirve to better and better. I believe, I step good way, and I work hard to better and better ....and this ain need too much purpose, patient, persistence, and luck! Please, see my page and enoy!
Our kennel presents dogs breed Bloodhound and Shih- tzu. On our website you can find informations and photos about our dogs, the future litters and many, many more...
BloodhoundKennel Schweizer Sennenhund Iz Klana Legato- Berner Sennenhund / Bernese Mountain Dog, Grosser Schweizer Sennenhund / Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Shih-Tzu.
Bernese Mountain Dog Great Swiss Mountain Dogbreeders of belgium malinois and tervueren shepherd dogs. We have shih-tzu and cavaliers king charles too.
Belgian Shepherd Dog - Malinois, Tervueren Cavalier King Charles SpanielElevage de bergers de beauce, beaucerons, bas rouge lof elevage de shih tzu lof.
BeauceronSmall home kennel, located in Denmark. We are shih tzu addicts since 1991. We have occasionally litters of scandinavian&english bloodlines.
Питомник Киндли Глнас занимается разведением пород ши-тцу, мальтезе, бивер йорк. Продажа щенков.
Maltese Yorkshire TerrierL'allevamento amatoriale di casa Sweet Lion, nasce anni fa quando io e la mia famiglia ci siamo letteralmente innamorati del migliore amico dell'uomo il "Cane" e così è cominciata la nostra avventura nella conoscenza e nell’allevamento di queste splendide razze, avendole scelte in base al loro carattere e morfologia, consapevoli che con dei bimbi in casa la scelta della razza, doveva essere seria e ponderata.
La mia prima preoccupazione è stata quella di studiare approfonditamente la psicologia e la genetica molto complessa di queste razze, successivamente mi sono dedicato allo studio del fenotipo e delle diverse linee di sangue. Con il mio lavoro di allevatore perseguo l’obbiettivo di ottenere cuccioli sani, robusti e di ottima struttura, che da adulti devono corrispondere il più possibile allo standard della razza e cosa fondamentale avere il carattere tipico della stessa. Il carattere è l' aspetto più importante del nostro allevamento perché è solo in parte determinato geneticamente, mentre la massima importanza nello sviluppo della personalità del cucciolo è rappresentata da fattori ambientali cioè dalle modalità di allevamento, e dal mondo che li circonda. Questi cagnolini devono essere brillanti, socievoli con l’uomo e gli altri animali, non devono mostrarsi timidi o paurosi e ancora meno aggressivi. Per questo motivo ho scelto di avere un numero contenuto di soggetti, in modo da poterli seguire Personalmente uno per uno.
I miei cuccioli nascono in casa, il primo mese di vita lo passano con la mamma nella nursery vicino alla nostre camere da letto, dal primo giorno di vita sono a contatto con tutti i rumori domestici, aspirapolvere, rumori di stoviglie, bimbi che corrono e giocano e di conseguenza introdotti nell’ambiente famigliare prendendo gradatamente confidenza anche con gli altri cani e con i cuccioli d'uomo. Sono seguiti nel loro apprendimento quotidiano dalla madre e da me Personalmente. I cuccioli lasciano l’allevamento non prima dei 2/3 mesi di vita, una volta completate le vaccinazioni, l’inserimento del microchip e appresa la condotta al guinzaglio. Sono molto selettivo nella scelta delle persone a cui affidare i nostri cucciolotti, pretendo la garanzia che accudiranno il cucciolo con tutto l’amore e le cure che riserverebbero ad un figlio, perché alla fine un cucciolo è a tutti gli effetti un nuovo membro della famiglia e come tale deve essere trattato. Chiedo di essere tenuto al corrente dei progressi dei cuccioli e aggiornato sulla sua crescita e ovviamente sono sempre disponibile e Presente per qualunque consiglio, chiarimento o necessità.
We have been breeding wonderful decorative rocks - Shih Tzu. The history of their breed leads from Buddhist monks and Chinese emperors. The site provides information about the graduates of our pets and kennel their successes at shows, for the sale of puppies.
Мы занимаемся разведением замечательной декоративной породы - ши-тцу. Историю свою порода ведет от буддийских монахов и китайских императоров. На сайте представлена информация о выпускниках и питомцах нашего питомника их успехах на выставках, о продаже щенков.
We breed this wonderful breed with heart and mind. Here you will find typey Shih Tzus in enchanting colors from healthy parents.
Wir züchten diese wunderbare Rasse mit Herz und Verstand. Bei uns finden Sie typvolle Shih Tzus in zauberhaften Farben von gesunden Eltern.
Breeding of dogs: Japanese chins, Shih Tzu- Kennel Kvitka Sakury. Welcome to website of kennel Kvitka Sakury! On pages of our site you can get acquainted with our pets, look at their photo, a pedigrees, puppies.
Племенное разведение собак: японских хинов и ши-тцу- Питомник Квитка Сакуры. Добро пожаловать на сайт питомника Квитка Сакуры! На страницах нашего сайта Вы можете познакомиться с нашими питомцами, посмотреть их фото, родословную, щенков.
"TIBTO LIŪTAS" - LKD-FCI breeding-ground is engaged in breeding decorative Shih Tzu.
We specialise in the old Dutch Shih Tzu breeding lines mixed with the best of Canadian, American, and European lines.
Afghan Hound SloughiWe are havanese breeder with top quality lines and we breed with all botoms of our heard and with love.
HavaneseCasa Heidi is a kennel Enci/Fci that breeds from many years. Our dogs come from best bloodlines, we have top brown poodles and also other colors. We live in a big farm with horses, pony, a goat and two children, big gardens for our dogs in summer, heated places in winter.
We are located on hills nearby lake Garda. We sold already abroad in many countries, especially in Switzerland (we apply tax refund for countries out EU).
We are a kennel from Serbia that has been breeding Shih-tzu dogs for over 35 years. Our dogs are 100% purebred and they have won many awards which are available to see on our website.