Allevamento professionale di Shiba inu e Golden Retriever americano. Ci troviamo in italia nella magnifica Emilia Romagna vi aspettiamo per farvi conoscere i nostri meravigliosi esemplari.
Shiba Inu Golden RetrieverThe first Lapinporokoira kennel in Italy. All dogs come from Scandinavia, from very important bloodlines. Perfect companion for work and active homes!
LapinporokoiraBreeding lagotto romagnolo since 2010, with the kennel-name: "REGUN", registered at FCI/ENCI, all breeding-dogs tested for the hereditary diseases.
Lagotto RomagnoloMojave Golden Retriever - Allevamento di Eccellenza
Mojave Golden Retriever è un allevamento di alta qualità situato in Italia. Con anni di esperienza, ci dedichiamo alla cura e all'allevamento di Golden Retriever sani e felici. I nostri cuccioli sono allevati in un ambiente amorevole e familiare, con un'attenzione particolare alla socializzazione e alla salute. Visita il nostro sito per vedere i cuccioli disponibili e scoprire di più sul nostro allevamento.
Allevamento riconosciuto ENCI del barboncino toy e del barboncino nano. Vengono selezionati cuccioli in tutte le colorazioni ammesse dallo standard: bianco, nero, marrone, grigio e fulvo.
PoodleL'allevamento Mater Dei Regina Pacis è un allevamento riconosciuto ENCI specializzato nella selezione della razza barbone, taglia toy e nana. L'allevamento Mater Dei dispone di esemplari selezionati con elevata genealogia dal mantello fulvo, marrone, silver e nero.
Poodle (toy)Allevamento riconosciuto Enci e Nippo, situato nel centro nord d’Italia. Da venti anni cultore della razza, allevo pochi soggetti ma selezionati di linee giapponesi. Tutti i miei cani sono testati displasia ed oculopatie esenti.
Multi campioni e campioni internazionali. Saltuaria disponibilità di cuccioli. Molteplici esportazioni all’estero dall’Inghilterra agli Stati Uniti. Affetto e passione sono le basi del mio modo di allevare.
Our ENCI / FCI recognized breeding for the selection of the Pomeranian, was born 12 years ago. Our goal is to reproduce dogs in health, standard and beauty that have been subjected to an exhibition path. Some characteristics that are important to us are: a beautiful face, correct hair, prestigious bloodlines and good structures. Our dogs live with us, and we seek only the best for them.
PomeranianIn Apulia, between Terlizzi and Ruvo, in the heart of “Bassa Murgia” close to Bari was born Mariligo kennel, our special Shiba kennel.
ShibaZanardi's is a professional breeding farm for the selection of Rhodesian Ridgeback owned by Daniele and Elena Zanardi, recognized by E.N.C.I. (Ente Nazionale Cinofilia Italiana) and by F.C.I. (Federazione Cinologica Internazionale), with health authorization issued by ASL of Emilia Romagna Region. In our kennel are selected the best bloodlines from World, European, International, Italian, American, Australian, Canadian and South African Champions.
Rhodesian RidgebackAll our American Golden Retrievers are free from hereditary genetic diseases (tests can be viewed and official), including cardio echo, annual eye examination, X-rays for dysplasia control. Our Golden Retriever American females also have vaccination coverage for herpesvirus and obviously have regular pedigree recognized ENCI / FCI.
Our Golden of American line are fed with super premium food (Optimanova Grain Free) and natural Barf diet: they are vaccinated, protected with quality pesticides and wormed every year, always with groomed and clean coat as much as possible since they live free in the countryside.
My breeding of Golden Americans is absolutely selective exclusively on the best lines of North America combined with the best of South America. North American bloodlines with the ambitious aim of improving the subjects on the Italian territory with Golden Americans both show and work.
Casa Heidi is a kennel Enci/Fci that breeds from many years. Our dogs come from best bloodlines, we have top brown poodles and also other colors. We live in a big farm with horses, pony, a goat and two children, big gardens for our dogs in summer, heated places in winter.
We are located on hills nearby lake Garda. We sold already abroad in many countries, especially in Switzerland (we apply tax refund for countries out EU).
Professional Breeding Kennel recognized from ENCI/FCI of Rhodesian Ridgeback. Our dogs lives in a big farm with horses, poney, other breeds (toy dogs/puppies From Kennel of Casa Heidi), two children and a Goat.
We guarantee about the beauty, the health and the good nature of our dogs. We bred Rhodesian Ridgebacks from best bloodlines. We already sold to Swiss, Romania, France, Kenia, England and Spain.
We have been breeding Bulldogs for over 40 years.We aim to breed healty dogs with good show quality and good temperament. Our puppies are vaccinated, vet checked, with FCI pedigree and guaranteed. Available for the show grounds or as lovely pets.
English BulldogPitBrown is a kennel that select and produce American Pitbull Terrier, born in 2016. The best subjects and the best bloodlines are present in our kennel.
American Pit Bull TerrierThe Valle del Salso Kennel was born in Sicily in 1998 for the selection and breeding of the Italian Cane Corso. We are simply in love with this beautiful breed and are continually striving to improve our bloodlines.
Health, temperament and authenticity are our values. Visit our site to find out about our history and our dogs. We will help you choose the perfect puppy for you.
Welcome to NO SHATSUKO!
Our main goal is to have and breed beautiful, sound and healthy dogs by selecting and using best lines and dogs in our breed.
We are driven by our passion for the canine-human connection. Despite breeding is not our main business activity, we dedicate a lot of time and resources to the well-being and training of our dogs, and by managing our kennel with thoughtfulness and passion, we give ourselves the freedom to make a limited and selected number of litters and to pursue the improvement of the breed’s standard rather than seeking profit.
We’re self-reliant, but we’re also very collaborative and look to co-operate with those breeders who are motivated by our same approach. We may push beyond the boundaries of the blood-lines, but we never exceed the standards and we focus on delivering healthy and great life-companions able to fulfil the life of the future owners.
Homebred of the first Afghan Hound born and bred in Italy Winner of an European Lure Coursing Championship ever! Home of Multi BEST IN SHOW winners!
Breeder and owner of the first Afghan Hound male who earned Italian Racing Champion title ever! Home of Multi Beauty Champions, Lure Coursing, Racing, Beauty.
Allevamento Unborn, riconosciuto Enci e Fci per la selezione del bull terrier standard e miniature.
Bull Terrier / Miniature Bull TerrierSheltie breeder in Italy. Focused on health, beauty and character. Visit our website to know more.
Shetland SheepdogChocoland è un allevamento di Labrador che sposa l’idea di fare poche cucciolate da seguire passo a passo, da crescere dando la giusta attenzione e cercando di creare fin da subito le basi per una crescita serena ed equilibrata.
Presso il nostro centro cinofilo si svolgono attività come:
– educazione di base
– consulenze pre e post adozioni
– puppy class
– rieducazione e risoluzione a problematiche comportamentali
– mobility
– addestramento base all’attività di retrieving
"Le Garde Du Diamond" kennel born on 2012 with the project to work with this wonderfull breed following the fci standard and having beautiful healthy puppies born on our house, sociable, correct and with amazing temperaments.
We only only few pups a year, we try to breed breed with only champion parents, tested for patella and dna tested. All our puppies grow up in the house with all the necessary attention till they come in their new families.
Allevamento amatoriale riconosciuto ENCI - FCI per la selezione del Barbone Toy fulvo.
PoodleWe breed Dachshund kennel standard, miniature, kaninchen smooth haired. Principally we have puppies for ourselves for show dog passion. The puppies are welcome, care for and grow up in the best way. Visit Our site for information about our dachshunds, puppies, litters.
Alleviamo bassotti standard, nano, kaninchen a pelo corto. Principalmente alleviamo per la nostra passione in questa razza. Visita il nostro sito per informazioni sui nostri bassotti e cuccioli.
DachshundAustralian cattle dog delle migliori linee di sangue internazionali, veri lavoratori sul bestiame, con istinto, talento e intelligenza. Riproduttori testati, campioni e con ottimo carattere. Cucciolate testate, seguite e socializzate con cura. Da noi, il cucciolo giusto si trova sempre!
Australian Cattle DogWe breed the race with the most strict parameters. We don't only assure that the dog is safe, but we also choose the best characters and we make them live with us so that they are used to human contact. We teach them love.
We breed ONLY poodles since it's way enough a hard job. All poodles have pedigree FCI, but only the most selected one can go on show. Contact us for any kind of information.
Original Tibetan Mastiff breeding and research base. The best native bloodlines imported from Tibetan plateau.
Sito ufficiale in italiano dell'allevamento Drokpa Tibetan Mastiff. Principale risorsa di informazioni sulla razza per tutti gli appassionati di mastino tibetano.
Tibetan Mastiff"Elirica" Kennel for the Jack Russell terrier selection. We have puppies selected for health, character and morphology.
Jack Russell TerrierLagotto Romagnolo Kennel "del Carpino Nero" for the Lagotto Romagnolo selection. We have puppies selected for health, character, morphology and attitude to the search, we also offer training, grooming and retirement.
Romagna Water DogAmatorial bredeer: our dogs are part of the family: quality, health and beauty.
Welsh Corgi PembrokeOur passion and dedication to American Staffordshire Terriers and Australian Cattledogs lead us to a selective breeding to ensure quality, health and temperament Show, sporting, working and pet prospect puppies might be available at times.
American Staffordshire Terrier Australian Cattle DogAllevamento Lagotto Romagnolo con affisso Valle dei Medici. Alleviamo cuccioli con particolare attenzione a salute e carattere. I Genitori sono tutti controllati per le principali patologie della razza.
Il nostro obiettivo è affidare cuccioli sani e piacevoli per le proprie famiglie. La selezione dei riproduttori e la valutazione degli accoppiamenti per avere cuccioli belli e negli standard di razza per morfologia. are well-recognized for top of the line Shiba Inu Tuscany breeding (Allevamenti Shiba Inu Toscana). They are some very young professional Breeders of Italy who love their Shiba Inu puppies with passion and love.
Shiba InuOlvinglay is a kennel for the selection of Golden Retrievers, it was born from my biggest love for this breed. All my dogs share with me first of all daily life then the exciting path toward the achievement of my biggest dreams.
Golden RetrieverOfficial FCI/ENCI kennel of Shikoku, Australian Shepherd and Yakutian Laika, located in Italy.
Shikoku Australian Shepherd Yakutian LaikaAllevamento riconosciuto FCI e ENCI della razza Piccolo Levriero Italiano.
Italian GreyhoundBreeding for the selection of dogs of Argentine Dogo race.
Dogo ArgentinoMonte Tonico Australian Cattledogs kennel. Top quality puppies from the most prestigious australian bloodlines. World, European and Cruft's winning dogs.
Australian Cattle DogAlleviamo e selezioniamo dogo argentino da oltre 30 anni.
Dogo ArgentinoHakuren Sou is shikoku kennel in North of Italy. We are introducing new imports from Japan for improve our dog's quality.
Hakuren Sou - allevamento per la razza Shikoku situato nel Nord Italia. Introdurremo nuove importazioni dal Giappone per ottenere ottimi esemplari sia a livello morfologico che di salute.
ShikokuKollaps Greyhound e whippet, allevamento riconosciuto ENCI FCI per la selezione del greyhound, del chart polski e del whippet. Alleviamo levrieri greyhound, chart polski e whippet per esposizione e compagnia utilizzando le migliori linee di sangue internazionali riproducendo così cuccioli di qualità e in salute con ottimo temperamento e carattere. Facciamo pochissime cucciolate cercando di pianificare con attenzione accoppiamenti e pedigree.
I nostri levrieri vivono in casa con noi e sono membri della nostra famiglia.
Anche i cuccioli vengono cresciuti ed educati in ambiente domestico e riceveno quelle attenzioni di cui hanno bisogno fin dai primi giorni di vita alfine di sviluppare un carattere forte e sicuro ed avere un temperamento stabile e affettuoso.
Selezioniamo attentamente le case per i nostri soggetti e restiamo presenti per tutta la loro vita cercando dove ci è possibile di dare un supporto e consigli alle nuove famiglie. Desideriamo garantire al cane un ottimo stato di mantenimento fisico ed equilibrio emotivo.
Allevare per noi è una passione che cerchiamo di seguire con la professionalità e la dedizione che in maniera assai diversa le nostre razze inglesi richiedono.
Shiba and Hokkaido's Kennel situated in South of Italy. During 2013 and this year we are importing new dogs from japan to improve our dog's quality. Our Kennel Name is Nippo Registered.
Shiba HokkaidoAllevamento per la selezione dell' American Staffordshire Terrier.
We breed American Staffordshire Terrier with passion for the selection.
American Staffordshire Terrier